Versioning & Publishing


The builder will take backup automatically on some events like opening the editor as well as regularly every 5 to 10 minutes when changes are made. You can also take a manual backup any time you want. All those version are available to you to rollback to. The “Backup” menu is available from the hamburger menu on the top left.

Backup menu


All changes in the editor can be undone or redone, either by the keyboard shortcut (cmd+z / ctrl+z - cmd+y / ctrl+y) or by the cornered arrow in the top bar.

Undo / Redo

Work in progress

If you are working on something and want to stop for a time but do not want to publish your changes yet, you can exit the editor to come back to cPanel. You can then pick up your work when editing the site later on. The “Exit” button is available from the hamburger menu on the top left and is found at the bottom of the pane opening up.


There is an icon of a cog wheel on top. Clicking on it will open the cookies settings instead of quitting the editor. We know about it and are working to fix this annoyance. For now, click on the right side of it and you will be able to exit.


It is important to note that saving your website in the builder will NOT update the published website.

When saving in the editor, you only save your changes within the editor, not on the published site. It will also update the preview. If you want to update your site, you need to press the “Publish” button at the top right.


What happens when publishing?

All files in your website folder will be removed and replaced by the updated ones that are generated when publishing. This means that custom files added or changed manually will be removed and/or overwritten. The exception is .htaccess.