Elements in the builder

We will not go through all elements here as there are too many and most are self-explanatory but a short guide to get you situated might be helpful.

List of elements

You can find all elements in the menu on the left side. You can click on any of the to open the menu and scroll up or down to switch between the categories.

Left menu Elements list

As you might have noticed, you can add any element as a favorite to add the box in the top section as well. You can also search within the list of elements at the top.

Element settings

Each element will have their sets of settings that you can change. Either when adding a new element or selecting it by double-clicking it in the editor. Those settings will vary depending on the element. f.ex.: a column container will have the possibility to choose the number of columns but not an image.

If a setting title is yellow, this this means that there is an override for the mobile view, if it is purple, it means the override is on the tablet view. You can switch between the views with the icons on the top of the page.

Screen toggle

Dynamic elements

Some elements like iframe or custom html that are fetching their data dynamically will not always show correctly in the editor. To view those as they will be rendered on your site, you can use the built-in preview. Either within the editor or in a new tab with the “Open preview website”


Note that the preview website might need some hard refresh after changes in the editor or disable the browser cache.